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Automating Web Site Evaluation

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The following publications are available for the WebTango project.


    Improving Web Site Design, Melody Y. Ivory and Marti A. Hearst. In IEEE Internet Computing, Special Issue on Usability and the World Wide Web, 6(2), March/April 2002.
    Paper pdf (1M)  

    Statistical Profiles of Highly-Rated Web Sites, Melody Y. Ivory and Marti A. Hearst. In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Letters, 2002, pp. 367-374.
    Paper pdf (123K), postscript (12M)

    Interface Design: Exploring Data Generated by the WebTango Tools, Deep Debroy. In Berkeley EECS Research Journal, Spring 2002, pp. 11-13.
    Paper pdf (756K)  


    An Empirical Foundation for Automated Web Interface Evaluation, Melody Yvette Ivory, PhD Dissertation, UC Berkeley Computer Science Division, 2001. Website HTML

    The State of the Art in Automated Usability Evaluation of User Interfaces Melody Y. Ivory and Marti A. Hearst, In ACM Computing Surveys, 33(4), December 2001, pp. 1-47.
    Paper pdf (2.2M)

    Content or Graphics? An Empirical Analysis of Criteria for Award-Winning Websites, Rashmi Sinha, Marti A. Hearst, Melody Y. Ivory, and Maya Draisin. In the Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human Factors and the Web (HFWeb '01), June 2001.
    Paper HTML, pdf

    Empirically Validated Web Page Design Metrics, Melody Y. Ivory, Rashmi Sinha, and Marti A. Hearst. In CHI 2001, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Letters 3(1), 2001.
    Paper HTML, postscript (550k), pdf (62k)


    Preliminary Findings on Using Quantitative Measures to Compare Favorably Ranked and Unranked Information-centric Web Pages Melody Y. Ivory, Rashmi R. Sinha and Marti A. Hearst, In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Human Factors and the Web, Austin, TX, June 19, 2000.
    Paper HTML, PDF (381 KB)

    Web TANGO: Towards Automated Comparison of Information-centric Web Site Designs, Melody Y. Ivory, In Proceedings of ACM CHI 00 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Student Posters, April, 2000.
    Extended Abstract HTML
    Poster PDF (1.94 MB)

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