Empirically Validated Web Page Design Metrics
Melody Y. Ivory
EECS Department
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Rashmi R. Sinha
SIMS/Psychology Department
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-5050
Marti A. Hearst
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
A quantitative analysis of a large collection of expert-rated web
sites reveals that page-level metrics can accurately predict if a site
will be highly rated. The analysis also provides empirical evidence
that important metrics, including page composition, page formatting,
and overall page characteristics, differ among web site categories
such as education, community, living, and finance. These results
provide an empirical foundation for web site design guidelines and
also suggest which metrics can be most important for evaluation via
user studies.
World Wide Web, Empirical Studies, Automated Usability Evaluation, Web
Site Design
There is currently much debate about what constitutes good web site
design [19,21]. Many detailed usability guidelines
have been developed for both general user interfaces
and for web page design
[6,16]. However, designers have
historically experienced difficulties following design guidelines
[2,7,15,24]. Guidelines are often stated at
such a high level that it is unclear how to operationalize them. A
typical example can be found in Fleming's book [10] which
suggests ten principles of successful navigation design including: be
easily learned, remain consistent, provide feedback, provide clear
visual messages, and support users' goals and behaviors. Fleming also
suggests differentiating design among sites intended for community,
learning, information, shopping, identity, and entertainment.
Although these goals align well with common sense, they are not
justified with empirical evidence and are mute on actual
Other web-based guidelines are more straightforward to implement. For
example, Jakob Nielsen's alertbox column [18] of May 1996
(updated in 1999) claims that the top ten mistakes of web site design
include using frames, long pages, non-standard link colors, and overly
long download times. These are based on anecdotal observational
evidence. Another column (March 15, 1997) provides guidelines on how
to write for the web, asserting that since users scan web pages rather
than read them, web page design should aid scannability by using
headlines, using colored text for emphasis, and using 50% less text
(less than what is not stated) since it is more difficult to read on
the screen than on paper. Although reasonable, guidelines like these
are not usually supported with empirical evidence.
Furthermore, there is no general agreement about which web design guidelines are
correct. A recent survey of 21 web guidelines found little
consistency among them [21]. We suspect this might
result from the fact that there is a lack of empirical validation
for such guidelines.
Surprisingly, no studies have derived web design guidelines directly
from web sites that have been assessed by human judges. In this paper
we report the results of empirical analyses of the page-level elements
on a large collection of expert-reviewed web sites. These metrics
concern page composition (e.g., word count, link count, graphic
count), page formatting (e.g., emphasized text, text positioning, and
text clusters), and overall page characteristics (e.g., page size and
download speed). The results of this analysis allows us to predict
with 65% accuracy if a web page will be assigned a very high or a
very low rating by human judges. Even more interestingly, if we
constrain predictions to be among pages within categories such as
education, community, living, and finance, the prediction accuracy
increases to 80% on average.
The remainder of this paper describes related work, our methodology,
including the judged web dataset, the metrics, and the data collection
process; the results of the study in detail, and finally our
Most quantitative methods for evaluating web sites focus on
statistical analysis of usage patterns in server logs
Traffic-based analysis (e.g., pages-per-visitor or visitors-per-page)
and time-based analysis (e.g., click paths and page-view durations)
provide data that the evaluator must interpret in order to identify
usability problems. This analysis is largely inconclusive
since web server logs provide incomplete traces of user behavior,
and because timing estimates may be skewed by network latencies.
Other approaches assess static HTML according to a number of
pre-determined guidelines, such as whether all graphics contain ALT
attributes [4,22]. Other techniques compare
quantitative web page measures - such as the number of links or
graphics - to thresholds [25,27,28]. However,
concrete thresholds for a wider class of quantitative web page
measures still remain to be established; our work is a first step
towards this end.
The Design Advisor [9]
uses heuristics about the attentional effects of various elements,
such as motion, size, images, and color, to determine and superimpose
a scanning path on a web page. The author developed heuristics
based on empirical results from eye tracking studies of multimedia
presentations. However, the heuristics have not been validated for web
Simulation has also been used for web site evaluation. For example,
WebCriteria's Site Profile [29] attempts to mimic a
user's information-seeking behavior within a model of an implemented
site. This tool uses an idealized user model that follows an
explicit, pre-specified navigation path through the site and estimates
several metrics, such as page load and optimal navigation times. As
another example, Chi, Pirolli, and Pitkow [5] have
developed a simulation approach for generating navigation paths for a
site based on content similarity among pages, server log data, and
linking structure. The simulation models hypothetical users traversing
the site from specified start pages, making use of information ``scent''
(i.e., common keywords between the user's goal and content on linked
pages) to make navigation decisions. Neither of these approaches
account for the impact of various web page attributes, such as the
amount of text or layout of links.
Brajnik [3] surveyed 11 automated web site analysis
methods, including the previously mentioned static analysis tools and
WebCriteria's Site Profile. The survey revealed that these tools
address only a sparse set of usability features, such as download
time, presence of alternative text for images, and validation of HTML
and links. Other usability aspects, such as consistency and
information organization are unaddressed by existing tools.
Zhu and Gauch [30] gathered web site quality ratings criteria
from a set of expert sites, including Internet Scout, Lycos Top 5%,
Argus Clearinghouse, and the Internet Public Library. For each site
they computed web page currency, availability, authority, popularity,
cohesiveness, and information-to-noise ratio. This last metric is the
only one related to the kind of metrics discussed below, and is
computed as the number of bytes taken up by words divided by the
total number of bytes in the page; in essense a word percentage
measure. The authors assessed these metrics in terms of how well they
aided in various information retrieval tasks, finding that weighted
combinations of metrics improved search over text content alone. They
did not relate these metrics to web site usability or attempt to
predict the judges ratings outside the context of search.
The most closely related work is our earlier study [13] in which
we reported a preliminary analysis of a collection of 428 web pages.
Each page corresponded to a site that had either been highly rated by
experts, or had no rating. The expertise ratings were derived from a
variety of sources, such as PC Magazine Top 100, WiseCat's Top
100, and the final nominees for the Webby Awards. For each web page,
we captured 12 quantitative measures having to do with page
composition, layout, amount of information, and size (e.g., number of
words, links, and colors). We found that 6 metrics - text cluster
count, link count, page size, graphics count, color count and reading
complexity - were significantly associated with rated sites.
Additionally, we found 2 strong pairwise correlations for rated sites,
and 5 pairwise correlations for unrated sites. Our predictions about
how the pairwise correlations were manifested in the layout of the
rated and unrated sites' pages were supported by inspection of randomly
selected pages. A linear discriminant classifier applied to the page
types (rated versus unrated) achieved a predictive accuracy of 63%.
The work reported in this paper expands on that preliminary analysis
in several ways. First, rather than comparing highly rated sites to
unrated sites, we are comparing sites that have been rated on a single
scale, and according to several measures, by one set of judges.
Second, the sites within this dataset have been classified into topics
(such as financial, educational, community), thus allowing us to see
if preferred values for metrics vary according to type of category.
Finally, informed by the results of our preliminary study, we have
improved our metrics and analyze a larger number
of web pages. This work further validates our preliminary
Histogram of the the overall scores assigned to the
sites considered for the 2000 Webby Awards. The x axis is the
overall score and the y axis is the number of sites assigned this score.
This study computes quantitative web page attributes (e.g., number of
fonts, images, and words) from web pages evaluated for the 2000 Webby
Awards [20]. The Webby organizers place web sites into 27
categories, including news, personal, finance, services, sports,
fashion, and travel. A panel of over 100 judges from The
International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences use a rigorous
evaluation process to select winning sites.1 Webby organizers describe the judge selection criteria as
follows: ``Site Reviewers are Internet professionals who work with and
on the Internet. They have clearly demonstrable familiarity with the
category in which they review and have been individually required to
produce evidence of such expertise. The site reviewers are given
different sites in their category for review and they are all
prohibited from reviewing any site with which they have any personal
or professional affiliation. The Academy regularly inspects the work
of each reviewer for fairness and accuracy.''
Judges rate web sites based on six criteria: content, structure &
navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity, and overall
experience. Figure 1 shows the distribution of
the overall criterion across all of the judged sites. We suspected
that the six criteria were highly correlated, suggesting that there
was one factor underlying them all. To test this hypothesis, we used
a principles component analysis to examine the underlying factor
structure. The first factor accounted for 91% of the variance in the
six criteria. In the experiments reported below, we used both the
overall Webby score and the extracted factor for doing discriminant
For our study, we selected sites from six topical categories -
financial, educational, community, health, service, and living -
because these categories contained at least 100
information-centric sites (in which the primary goal is to convey
information about some topic). We used the overall score to define two
groups of sites for analysis: good (top 33% of sites), and not-good
(remaining 67% of sites). Specifically, we wanted to determine if
there are significant differences between the groups - both overall
and within each category. Furthermore, we wanted to construct models
for predicting group membership. These models would enable us to
establish concrete thresholds for each metric, evaluate them with user
studies, and eventually provide guidance for design improvement. We
also used the composite rating to group sites into two categories: top
33% of sites, and bottom 33% of sites. The cutoffs for both sets,
based on the overall criterion (ranging from 1 to 10) are:
Overall |
Community |
Education |
Finance |
Top |
6.97 |
6.58 |
6.47 |
6.6 |
Bottom |
5.47 |
5.66 |
5.38 |
5.8 |
Health |
Living |
Services |
Top |
7.9 |
6.66 |
7.54 |
Bottom |
6.4 |
5.66 |
5.9 |
The following section introduces the metrics and describes the
data collected for this analysis.
Web page metrics computed for this study.
Metric |
Description |
Word Count |
Total words on a page |
Body Text % |
Percentage of words that are body vs. display text
(i.e., headers) |
Emphasized Body Text % |
Portion of body text that is emphasized (e.g., bold, capitalized or near !'s) |
Text Positioning Count |
Changes in text position from flush left |
Text Cluster Count |
Text areas highlighted with color, bordered regions, rules or lists |
Link Count |
Total links on a page |
Page Size |
Total bytes for the page as well as elements graphics and stylesheets |
Graphic % |
Percentage of page bytes that are for graphics |
Graphics Count |
Total graphics on a page (not including graphics specified in scripts, applets and objects) |
Color Count |
Total colors employed |
Font Count |
Total fonts employed (i.e., face + size + bold + italic) |
From a list of 42 web page attributes associated with effective design
and usability [13], we developed an automated tool to
compute the 11 metrics that we focus on in this study (see Table
1). (This subset was chosen primarily because it was
the easiest to compute; we are in the process of extending the tool to
compute a wider range of metrics.) The tool functions similarly to
the Netscape Navigator browser in processing web pages and cascading
stylesheets; it has limited support for inline frames, but does not
support framesets, applets, scripts or other embedded objects. We
analyzed the accuracy of the computed metrics using a set of 5 pages
with widely different features, such as use of stylesheets, style
tags, and forms. Overall, the metrics are about 85% accurate with
text cluster and text positioning counts range from 38% to 74%
We used the metrics tool to collect data for 1,898 pages from the
six Webby Awards categories. These pages are from
163 sites and from 3 different levels in the site - the home page,
pages directly accessible from the home page (level 1), and pages
accessible from level 1 but not directly accessible from the home page
(level 2). We attempted to capture 15 level 1 pages and 45 level 2
pages from each site. Because not every website has many pages at
each level, our collection consists of an average of 11 pages per site.
We employed several statistical techniques, including linear
regression, and linear discriminant analysis, and t-test for equality
of means, to examine differences between the good and not-good
groups. The following sections discuss the findings in detail.
We used Linear Discriminant analysis to discriminate good from
not-good pages, and top from bottom pages. This technique
is suitable for cases where the predicted variable is dichotomous in
nature. We built two predictive models for identifying good webpages
using linear discriminant analysis:
- Model 1: A simple, conservative model that distinguishes
``good'' (top 33%) from ``not good'' (bottom 67%) websites, using
the overall Webby criterion as the predictor.
- Model 2: A more complex model that uses the Webby factor and
distinguishes ``top'' (top 33%) from ``bottom'' (bottom 33%)
Tables 2 and 3 summarize
the accuracy of the predictions for both models for the entire sample
as well as within each category. We report the Wilks Lambda along
with the associated Chi-square for each of the models; all of the
discriminant functions have significant Wilks Lambda. The squared
canonical correlation indicates the percentage of variance in the
metrics accounted for by the discriminant function. The final and
most important test for the model is the classification accuracy.
Classification accuracy for predicting
good and not-good pages. The overall accuracy ignores category
labels. Discriminant analysis rejects some data items.
Squared |
Classification |
Canonical |
Wilks |
Chi- |
Sample |
Accuracy |
Category |
Correlation |
Lambda |
square |
Sig. |
Size |
Good |
Not-Good |
Overall |
0.13 |
0.87 |
268.15 |
0.000 |
1898 |
50.40% |
78.40% |
Community |
0.23 |
0.77 |
111.87 |
0.000 |
430 |
67.70% |
64.80% |
Education |
0.26 |
0.74 |
111.52 |
0.000 |
373 |
69.00% |
90.20% |
Finance |
0.37 |
0.63 |
85.61 |
0.000 |
190 |
63.20% |
88.00% |
Health |
0.60 |
0.4 |
104.8 |
0.000 |
121 |
94.60% |
80.90% |
Living |
0.20 |
0.8 |
24.07 |
0.012 |
118 |
47.40% |
62.30% |
Services |
0.34 |
0.66 |
100.6 |
0.000 |
311 |
82.50% |
75.80% |
Cat. Avg. |
70.70% |
77.00% |
Classification accuracy for predicting
the top 33% versus the bottom 33% according to the Webby factor.
The overall accuracy ignores category labels.
Squared |
Classification |
Canonical |
Wilks |
Chi- |
Sample |
Accuracy |
Category |
Correlation |
Lambda |
square |
Sig. |
Size |
Top |
Bottom |
Overall |
0.14 |
0.86 |
192.85 |
0.000 |
1286 |
66.8% |
63.4% |
Community |
0.60 |
0.40 |
275.78 |
0.000 |
305 |
83.2% |
91.9% |
Education |
0.28 |
0.72 |
118.93 |
0.000 |
368 |
75.7% |
73.2% |
Finance |
0.47 |
0.53 |
85.74 |
0.000 |
142 |
76.5% |
93.4% |
Health |
0.65 |
0.35 |
165.19 |
0.000 |
165 |
93.0% |
87.3% |
Living |
0.22 |
0.79 |
24.46 |
0.010 |
106 |
42.3% |
75.9 % |
Services |
0.36 |
0.64 |
90.51 |
0.000 |
208 |
85.7% |
74.8% |
Cat. Avg. |
76.07% |
82.75% |
For Model 1, the overall accuracy is 67% (50.4% and 78.4% for good
and not-good pages, respectively) if categories are not taken into
account (see Table 2). Classification accuracy is higher on average when categories
are assessed separately (70.7% for good pages and 77% for not-good
pages). Our earlier results [13] achieved 63% overall
accuracy but had a smaller sample size, did not have separation into
category types, and had to distinguish between rated sites versus
non-rated sites, meaning that good sites may have been included among
the non-rated sites.
Interestingly, the average percentage of variance explained (33%)
within categories is more than double the variance explained across
the dataset. The health category has the highest percentage of
variance explained and also has the highest classification accuracy of
89% (80.9% and 94.6% for good and not-good pages,
respectively). The accuracy for this model is indicative of the
predictive power of this approach. In the future we plan to use more
metrics and a larger dataset in our analysis.
The model with the smallest percentage of variance explained (20% for
the living category) is also the model with the lowest classification
accuracy of 55% (47.4% and 62.3% for good and not-good pages,
respectively). We partially attribute this lower accuracy to a smaller
sample size; there are only 118 pages in this category.
The results for Model 2 are shown in Table
3. The average category accuracy increases
to 73.8% for predicting the top pages and 86.6% for predicting the
bottom pages. (This prediction does not comment on intermediate pages,
however.) The higher accuracy is caused both by the relatively
larger differences between top and bottom pages (as opposed to top
versus the rest) and by the use of the Webby factor.
In related work [23] analyzing the Webby Award criteria in
detail, we found that the content criterion was the best predictor of
the overall score, while visual design was a weak predictor at best.
Here we see that the metrics are able to better predict the Webby
factor than the overall score. We think this happens because the
overall criterion is an abstract judgement of site quality, while the
Webby factor (consisting of contributions from content, structure &
navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity, and as well
as overall ratings) reflects aspects of the specific criteria which
are more easily captured by the metrics.
To gain insight about predictor metrics in these categories, we also
employed multiple linear regression analysis to predict the overall
Webby scores. We used a backward elimination method wherein all of
the metrics are entered into the equation initially, and then one by
one, the least predictive metric is eliminated. This process is
repeated until the Adjusted R Square shows a significant reduction
with the elimination of a predictor. Table 4 shows
the details of the analysis. The adjusted R2 for all of the
regression analyses was significant at the .01 level, meaning that the
metrics explained about 10% of the variance in the overall score for
the whole dataset. This indicates that a linear combination of our
metrics could significantly predict the overall score.
We used standardized Beta coefficients from regression equations to
determine the significance of the metrics in predicting good vs.
not-good pages. Table 5 illustrates which of the metrics
make significant contributions to predictions as well as the nature of
their contributions (positive or negative). Significant metrics
across the dataset are fairly consistent with profiles discussed in
the next section; most of the metrics found to be
individually significant play a major role in the overall quality of
Word count was significantly correlated with 9 other
metrics (all but emphasized body text percentage), so we used it to
subdivide the pages into three groups, depending on their size: low
(avg. word count = 66.38), medium (avg. word count = 229.87) and
high (avg. word count = 827.15). Partitioning
pages based on the word count metric created interesting profiles of
good versus not-good pages. In addition, the regression score and
discriminant analysis classification accuracy increases somewhat when the
dataset is divided in this manner; Model 1 is most accurate for pages
that fall into the medium-size group.
To develop profiles of pages based on overall ratings, we compared the
means and standard deviations of all metrics for good and not-good
pages with low, medium, and high word counts (see Table
6). We employed t-tests for equality of means to
determine their significance and also report 2-tailed significance
values. Different metrics were significant among the different size
groups, with the exception of graphic percentage,
which is significant across all groups. The data suggests that good
pages have relatively fewer graphics; this is consistent with our
previously discussed finding that visual design was a weak predictor
of overall rating [23].
Linear regression results for
predicting overall rating for good and not-good pages. The
F value and corresponding significance level shows the linear combination of the metrics to be related to the overall rating.
Adj. R |
Std. |
F |
Sig. |
Sample |
Category |
Square |
Err. |
value |
Size |
Overall |
0.10 |
1.92 |
20.40 |
.000 |
1898 |
Community |
0.36 |
1.76 |
22.52 |
.000 |
430 |
Education |
0.16 |
1.53 |
10.34 |
.000 |
536 |
Finance |
0.24 |
1.90 |
7.78 |
.000 |
234 |
Health |
0.56 |
0.79 |
27.98 |
.000 |
234 |
Living |
0.11 |
1.62 |
2.70 |
.000 |
153 |
Services |
0.27 |
1.82 |
11.15 |
.000 |
311 |
Returning to Table 5, we see that in most cases, the
positive or negative contribution of a metric aligns with differences
in the means of good vs. bad pages depicted in Table 6,
with the exception that page size and link count in the medium word
count category appear to have opposite contribution than expected,
since in general good pages are smaller and have more links on average
than not-good pages. Looking in detail at Tables 5 and
6, we can create profiles of the good pages that
fall within low, medium, and high word counts:
Significant beta coefficients for all
metrics in terms of whether they make a positive (
negative (
), or no contribution in predicting good pages. The frequency column
summarizes the number of times a metric made significant contributions
within the categories.
- Low Word Count.
- Good pages have slightly more content,
smaller page sizes, less graphics and employ more font variations than
not-good pages. The
smaller page sizes and graphics count suggests faster download times
for these pages (this was corroborated by a download time metric, not
discussed in detail here). Correlations between font count and body
text suggest that good pages vary fonts used between header and body
- Medium Word Count.
- Good pages emphasize less of the body
text; if too much text is emphasized, the unintended effect occurs of
making the unemphasized text stands out more than emphasized
text. Based on text positioning and text cluster count, medium-sized
good pages appear to organize text into clusters (e.g., lists and
shaded table areas). The negative correlations between body text and
color count suggests that good medium-sized pages use colors to
distinguish headers.
- High Word Count.
- Large good pages exhibit a number of
differences from not-good pages. Although both groups have comparable
word counts, good pages have less body text, suggesting
pages have more headers and text links than not-good pages (we
verified this with hand-inspection of some pages). As mentioned
above, headers are thought to improve scannability, while generous
numbers of links can facilitate information seeking provided they are
meaningful and clearly marked.
It is quite remarkable that the simple, superficial metrics used in
this study are capable of predicting expert's judgements with some
degree of accuracy. It may be the case that these computer-accessible
metrics reflect at some level the more complex psychological
principles by which the Webby judges rate the sites. It turns out that
similar results have been found in related problems. For example, one
informal study of computer science grant proposals found that
superficial features such as font size, inclusion of a summary section
and section numbering distinguishes between proposals that are
funded and those that are not [1]. As another example,
programs can assign grades to student essays using only superficial
metrics (such as average word length, essay length, number of commas,
number of prepositions) and achieve correlations with teachers' scores that
are close to those of between-teacher correlations [14].
There are two logical explanations for this effect; the first is
that there is a causal relationship between these metrics and deeper
aspects of information architecture. The second possibility is that
high quality in superficial attributes is generally accompanied by
high quality in all aspects of a work. In other words, those who do a
good job do a good job overall. It may be the case that those site
developers who have high-quality content are willing to pay for
professional designers to develop the other aspects of their sites.
Nevertheless, the fact that these metrics can predict a difference
between good and not-good sites indicates that there are better and
worse ways to arrange the superficial aspects of web pages. By
reporting these, we hope to help web site developers who cannot afford
to hire professional design firms.
There is some question as to whether or not the Webby Awards judgements
are good indicators of web site usability, or whether they
assess other measures of quality. We have conducted a task-based
user study on a small subset of the web sites within our sample, using
the WAMMI Usability Questionnaire [17]. We plan to report the
results of this study in future work.
Means and standard deviations (in parenthesis) for the
good (G) and not-good (NG) groups based on the low, medium, and high word count categories. The
table also contains t-test results (2-tailed significance) for each
profile; bold text denotes significant differences (i.e., p < 0.05).
Low Word Count |
Medium Word Count |
High Word Count |
Mean & (Std. Dev.) |
Mean & (Std. Dev.) |
Mean & (Std. Dev.) |
Metric |
G |
NG |
Sig. |
G |
NG |
Sig. |
G |
NG |
Sig. |
Word Count |
74.6 |
62.7 |
0.002 |
231.77 |
228.1 |
0.430 |
803.0 |
844.7 |
0.426 |
(45.7) |
(38.0) |
(59.49) |
(59.5) |
(629.8) |
(675.2) |
Body Text % |
62.4 |
60.0 |
0.337 |
68.18 |
68.5 |
0.793 |
73.5 |
80.3 |
0.000 |
(45.7) |
(29.7) |
(21.91) |
(23.6) |
(25.3) |
(20.8) |
Emp. Body Text % |
12.1 |
14.5 |
0.180 |
9.28 |
18.1 |
0.000 |
11.2 |
17.1 |
0.001 |
(20.0) |
(23.3) |
(13.86) |
(22.5) |
(19.8) |
(22.3) |
Text Pos. Count |
1.4 |
1.6 |
0.605 |
4.59 |
3.5 |
0.096 |
6.1 |
7.3 |
0.403 |
(4.7) |
(2.6) |
(9.18) |
(6.9) |
(16.7) |
(19.1) |
Text Clus. Count |
1.3 |
1.1 |
0.477 |
5.17 |
3.4 |
0.007 |
7.8 |
7.8 |
0.973 |
(4.6) |
(2.3) |
(10.07) |
(6.0) |
(14.9) |
(17.6) |
Link Count |
74.6 |
16.0 |
0.202 |
35.68 |
36.2 |
0.764 |
61.1 |
51.7 |
0.019 |
(14.4) |
(14.1) |
(22.54) |
(24.0) |
(50.3) |
(48.4) |
Page Size |
23041.2 |
32617.6 |
0.004 |
53429.98 |
46753.0 |
0.163 |
77877.7 |
50905.0 |
0.000 |
(35362.2) |
(43350.7) |
(76395.69) |
(36435.8) |
(104845.7) |
(39019.0) |
Graphic % |
28.8 |
48.9 |
0.000 |
40.64 |
56.0 |
0.000 |
37.8 |
45.4 |
0.004 |
(36.5) |
(36.7) |
(35.18) |
(27.6) |
(36.0) |
(26.5) |
Graphics Count |
11.4 |
15.0 |
0.005 |
24.88 |
26.2 |
0.451 |
25.3 |
25.8 |
0.835 |
(14.5) |
(15.8) |
(23.07) |
(20.7) |
(26.2) |
(27.0) |
Color Count |
6.1 |
5.9 |
0.224 |
7.47 |
7.1 |
0.045 |
8.1 |
7.2 |
0.000 |
(1.9) |
(1.8) |
(2.42) |
(2.4) |
(3.0) |
(2.4) |
Font Count |
3.7 |
3.2 |
0.001 |
5.42 |
5.3 |
0.320 |
6.7 |
6.7 |
0.999 |
(1.9) |
(2.1) |
(1.95) |
(2.4) |
(3.0) |
(3.1) |
The Webby Awards dataset is possibly the largest human-rated corpus of
web sites available. Any site that is submitted is initially examined
by three judges on six criteria. As such it is a statistically
rigorous collection. However, since the criteria for judging are so
broad, it is unclear or unknown what the specific web page components
are that judges actually use for their assessments. As such it is not
possible for those who would like to look to these expert-rated sites
to learn how to improve their own designs to derive value from these
results. We hope that the type of analysis that we present here opens
the way towards a new, bottom-up methodology for creating empirically
justified, reproducible interface design recommendations, heuristics,
and guidelines.
We are developing a prototype analysis tool that will enable designers
to compare their pages to profiles of good pages in each subject
category. However, the lack of agreement over guidelines suggests
there is no one path to good design; good web page design might be due
to a combination of a number of metrics. For example, it is possible
that some good pages use many text clusters, many links, and many
colors. Another good design profile might make use of less text,
proportionally fewer colors, and more graphics. Both might be equally
valid paths to the same end: good web page design. Thus we do not
plan to simply present a rating, nor do we plan on stating that a
given metric exceeds a cutoff point. Rather, we plan to develop a set
of profiles of good designs for each category, and show how the
designer's pages differ from the various profiles.
It is important to keep in mind that metrics of the type explored here
are only one piece of the web site design puzzle; this work is part of
a larger project whose goals are to develop techniques to empirically
investigate all aspects of web site design, and to develop tools to
help designers assess and improve the quality of their web sites.
This research was supported by a Hellman Faculty Fund Award, a Gates
Millennium Fellowship, a GAANN fellowship, and a Lucent Cooperative
Research Fellowship Program grant. We thank Maya Draisin
and Tiffany Shlain at the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences
for making the WebbyAwards 2000 data available; Nigel Claridge and
Jurek Kirakowski of WAMMI for agreeing to analyze our user study data;
and Tom Phelps for his assistance with the extended metrics tool.
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Empirically Validated Web Page Design Metrics
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The translation was initiated by Marti Hearst on 2000-12-14
- ... sites.1
- Webby Awards
judging has three rounds. The data used in this study are derived from
the first round of judging; only the list of nominees for the last
round is available to the public. Throughout this paper, we assume a
score assigned to a site applies uniformly to all the pages within
that site.
Marti Hearst